GTIN Exemption Process on Amazon that don't have (UPC, EAN, JAN or ISBN)
What is GTIN ? - GTIN stands for Global Trade Identity Number.
Every new seller on Amazon marketplace needs to have a product id to create listings for selling online. UPC, EAN and ISBN are known as product ids. But if you dont have product ids then how will you list your products on Amazon. So Product id is nothing but barcode of the Product. So with the help of GTIN Exemption one can list Products online on Amazon Portal.
Your GTIN Exemption request is Submitted. Amazon Support Team will sent email once your request is approved. It takes around 24 hours max to for category approval. In most of the cases we have seen that category approval just takes 15 mins time.
What is GTIN ? - GTIN stands for Global Trade Identity Number.
Every new seller on Amazon marketplace needs to have a product id to create listings for selling online. UPC, EAN and ISBN are known as product ids. But if you dont have product ids then how will you list your products on Amazon. So Product id is nothing but barcode of the Product. So with the help of GTIN Exemption one can list Products online on Amazon Portal.
How to get a product ID to list products on amazon ?
GTIN/UPC/EAN is a mandatory field to create new listings of products on Amazon. To create listings on Amazon a seller needs to apply for exemption for a particular brand in particular category. Once you get approval for brand in the category then you can add the products for selling. This Process is called GTIN Exemption.
In this post i will show you how step by step on - How you can apply for GTIN Exemption On Amazon Seller Central Dashboard.
GTIN Exemption Process in Seller Central
In this post i will show you how step by step on - How you can apply for GTIN Exemption On Amazon Seller Central Dashboard.
GTIN Exemption Process in Seller Central
1) First step login to your seller central account.
2) On the top right hand side their is search bar. Just write "GTIN Exemption" in search and press
3) Their will be list of search results - Please find - How to list Products that donot have GTIN (UPC, EAN, JAN or ISBN) . Please Click on the same.
4) A new pop up window will open and scroll down to the page to find "Request Approval" Option.
5) The next step Amazon Seller Central will ask to fill up options like select Category of the product you wish to sell. Please select the category from the list mentioned. In next step you have to add brand name of the product on which you need exemption. A seller can take exemption in more than one brand. The next step will be to click on "Check for Eligibility".
6) If your request is approved you will see Right Mark or Green Tick in Status. Next step will be to click on"Continue to Submit Proof".
7) In next step you will be asked to provide a supporting letter for the brand. In case if you don't have
click on 'No' and if you have click on 'Yes'. If you have letter you just need to Upload the letter after clicking the 'Yes' option. Most Seller don't have supporting letter. So they have click on 'No' option. In this case amazon will ask you for 'Product Name - Title of the Product' and 'Product Image'. Once you have filled the details with Title and Image upload you need to click on Submit request.
click on 'No' and if you have click on 'Yes'. If you have letter you just need to Upload the letter after clicking the 'Yes' option. Most Seller don't have supporting letter. So they have click on 'No' option. In this case amazon will ask you for 'Product Name - Title of the Product' and 'Product Image'. Once you have filled the details with Title and Image upload you need to click on Submit request.
Category Approval on Amazon |
Once your category is approved a seller can list unlimited number of Products for Lifetime.
You can Watch the Video for GTIN Exemption Process. Please Subscribe to Our Channel on Youtube.
Thanks For Reading The Post.
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We also work as SPN (Service Provider Network) for Sellers across World on all Amazon Marketplace. Enabling sellers to launch, manage and grow their business. The Services offered by SPN are: Amazon Fly, Imaging, Cataloguing, Amazon Boost, FBA Transportation, Advertising Optimisation & Training. For our Services you can write us at -
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